O Melhor Single estratégia a utilizar para taxi caraiva
O Melhor Single estratégia a utilizar para taxi caraiva
Blog Article
Para além de excelente comida em lanchonetes e restaurantes qual fazem da beira do rio o "point" noturno desta vila mágica da costa do descobrimento.
To arrive in Arraial you can take an Uber from Porto Seguro Airport to the ferry, and make the ferry crossing by foot, which is free for pedestrians.
The breakfast is amazing and makes my mouth water just by remembering it, always with fresh cake and impeccable tapiocas, made by the lovely staff.
Tais como Vive bem na “esquina” do rio usando este mar, favorece quem deseja experimentar um pouco Destes dois mundos.
Photo: Divulgação I had the fortunate opportunity to stay at Pousada Base during my trip to Caraíva. The lodge is 31 years old and it was opened 2 years after the arrival of the owner, Elenice, in the village.
A princípio pensei preservar a base em Caraíva e realizar bate volta em Arraial e Trancoso, porém ao ler o seu post, fiquei Muito mais confusa… já não sei se fiz a escolha certa…
We booked a transfer to Trancoso from the airport but they didn’t show up. They said they were late because of ‘traffic’. We ended taking a taxi.
To get there you can hire a buggy or go by boat. The buggy costs R$ cem per person and they accept cards, and if you are going in a group of 4 people it’s possible to negotiate the tour for R$350. You can also add an Em excesso stop at Barra Velha Village on the way back.
On this tour it is possible to learn about the culture of the Pataxós (one of the several indigenous ethnicities in Brazil), dance with them, bathe in herbs, eat fish baked in a patioba leaf, taste the puba
Photo: Elaine Villatoro A unanimous tip that we received was to eat at Canal do Pampo. We ordered the highly recommended Goinha’s Octopus Rice, which costs R$ 170 and although it claims to serve 2 people, it serves up to 3. We also tried the Peixe na Pedra (Fish on the Rock) which is made in soy sauce and ginger, with white rice, farofa and banana puree on the side, which is the second most requested dish there and it costs R$ 130.
Give preference to canned drinks: as the glass is heavy and voluminous, this makes a proper disposal even more difficult. Besides, glass bottles can break and get lost in the soft sands of the village, and you may even be the person who will step on the shard afterwards. The cans are light and, because they have a higher value, they are usually recycled.
Atividades ao Ar Livre: aproveite o tempo bom de Caraíva para executar as diversas atividades ao ar livre, tais como passeios do canoa taxi caraiva pelo rio ao pôr do sol, mergulhos nas piscinas naturais e caminhadas pelas trilhas costeiras.
Este lugar é uma boa pedida para quem quer relaxar, estar em contato utilizando a natureza e curtir as belas praias e AS SUAS piscinas naturais.
Where is Caraíva? Caraíva is a Brazilian seaside village, part of Porto Seguro city in the state of Bahia. It is located 60 km away from the city center – a 2 hours’ drive. If you want to depart from a closer origin, you can get there from Arraial d’Facilita in about 1 hour and a half, driving for 54 km.